From the Western Slope of the Mountains

By Frank Young


Tribute To The Movers and Shakers of the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy

Recently the Highlands Conservancy recognized an Awards Committee. This is a small group of folks with collective knowledge about the WVHC’s history and about members who have contributed so much more than their nominal membership dues in support of the WVHC and its work for the highlands.

No matter how thorough the search for folks worthy of recognition for their contributions, there are always more individuals that should perhaps be included. With that human limitation in mind, at the October 14th WVHC Fall Review program the Awards Committee recognized the following individuals for outstanding contributions to the Conservancy:

For many years (now decades, actually) Allen DeHart and Bruce Sundquist, author and editor, respectively, of the Monongahela National Forest Hiking Guide, published by the WV Highlands Conservancy, have generously donated time and talents to this successful publication. The MNF Hiking Guide has been a financial mainstay of the Conservancy. Without the income its sale produces our many preservation successes would certainly have been curtailed.

Bruce gets absolutely no remuneration for his hundreds, now certainly thousands, of hours of editorial work. And although Allen DeHart gets nominal "royalty" payments from sales for authoring the MNF guidebook, those payments in only very small measure compensate him for his attention to details that give the guidebook its reputation for accuracy. For both Bruce and Allen, the time and talents offered in producing this publication are truly labors of love for the WV Highlands Conservancy and its many successes over the years.

Another member whose efforts raise funds for Conservancy projects is Judy Rodd, co-chair of the Conservancy’s Blackwater Canyon Committee. Through hundreds, perhaps thousands of hours organizing fund raiser meetings, direct personal appeals to contributors, and other techniques unknown to this writer Judy has raised many thousands of dollars (tens of thousands, actually) in support of the effort to save and protect Blackwater Canyon for this and future generations to enjoy. A spinoff of this effort has been a doubling of the WVHC’s membership in only two or three years, according to membership secretary Dave Saville.

Judy’s husband, Tom Rodd is recognized for organizing and successfully pulling off the Conservancy’s first formal summer outdoor recreation program in several years. Known as Mon-A-Thon 2000, this hiking and nature enjoyment program helped bring many of our members into the heart of the highlands we work so hard to conserve. Tom was assisted by many other good folks including Hugh and Ruth Rogers, Peter Shoenfeld, Carter Zerbe, Rich McGervey, Barnes Nugent, Leslee McCarty and of course, Jack Slocomb. Jack, along with Bob Marshall and others, has committed to be a part of a core committee to continue this program next year under the banner "2001 - An Outdoor Odyssey."

No recognition of "Who’s Who" in the WVHC would be complete without mentioning at least some of the long time members, some even founding members, who still remain loyal and contribute their resources toward our purposes. Some of these folks include, in no particular order: Jean and Sayre Rodman, Mary Moore and Joe Rieffenberger, Ronald and Margery Halliwell, Dr. Raymond and Janice Weiss, Eleanor M. Bush, Deborah and Robert Bretzfelder, Thomas Ward, Brooks Bird Club, Armand E. Singer, George Langford, Edgar N. Janes, Elizabeth C. Zimmermann, Linda Cooper, George Hall, Bruce Sundquist, Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Winston, John W. Rogers, Van and Paula Hall, Alice Bristor, and Roy C. Meadows.

I must confess that I do not know some of these fine folks, especially some of those with the most "tenure" with us. My usefulness as President of the Conservancy would be enhanced should I have the benefit of their friendship and shared experiences.

To all the above recognized contributors to our thirty- three history, and to the many others not mentioned here, a sincere and hearty THANK YOU!!