What’s Inside-- October 1999

Worldwatch on coal’s weakened role -Part II
Janes on strategy for animal feeding operations
Frank Young column, "On a Roll"
Public asked to buy back the Blackwater Canyon
Hoffman spreads environ message in FL
Peter Coyote quote
Hasty on world overpopulation
Slocomb essay on the Blackwater Canyon Nation Park
WVRC Action Alert – need to write EPA re factory farm guidelines
Gasper on need for WV water quality law
Lack of official composting in Wheeling – Finstein
Scott Russell Sanders quotes
Promising wetlands study – Bonnett
AEP spews toxic mercury
Clarksburg Exponent supports the BWC Nat. Park
Degen on quarries bill
MTR Summit report
Tucker county Commissioner not opposed to BWC Nat. Park
Letters to the editor
Gasper on WV red spruce
WVHC meetings notice
12th Annual Peace Conference
Costs of Coal