Let the Games Begin….

Time to dust off the baloney-grinding and monkeyshines clip art.  The West Virginia Legislature will convene again on January 9, and their own website can help you keep track of officials and laws that interest you. It is http://wvlegislature.gov/

Additionally, you can subscribe to legislative updates through the West Virginia Environmental Council at https://wvecouncil.org/  and through the West Virginia Citizens Action Group https://wvcag.org/

We—you and all of us—were part of efforts in the recent past to stop bills to allow logging in state parks.  Get in on the action again this year; help be the eyes and ears that watch for conservation issues and help be among those who “speak for the trees” and more.

Visit the Capitol too.  E-Day is January 28th.  Ally groups will have booths in the marble halls and that’s a great time to try to make contact with your own representative.   Maybe you will even have reason to thank them for some positive action or “green” votes.  We encourage all our members to let the Legislature know that we care about preservation of the Highlands…and throughout the state.