Abandoned Gas Wells: Are They a Problem?
By John McFerrin The June, 2019, issue of The Highlands Voicecontained a very useful article on efforts to plug old gas wells. The crux of the story was that we…
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Restoring Trout, Protecting the Future
By Chris Wood “What is the name of that tree?” Brandon Keplinger, the district fisheries biologist for West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, asked the 20 or so fifth graders…
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Summer’s already hatched the scourges we scratch — p.i., mosquitoes, ticks — but on this hotter planet we can’t take for granite it won’t bring a brand new itch — Hugh Rogers
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Forest Service Proposes Less Environmental Review
The UnitedStates Forest Service has proposed a change to the regulations on howit administers the National Environmental Policy Act(NEPA). It proposes changing the regulations in such a way that…
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Tracking “Timberdoodles”
By Casey Rucker and Cindy Ellis Our vote was For the Birds! On Saturday, July 20, the WVHC Board of Directors voted to sponsor several tracking transmitters for migration research…
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SAVE THE DATE! West Virginia Highlands Conservancy Fall Review
When: Fri. 10/18,Sat.10/19 and Sun. 10/20 Where: Elk River Inn and Restaurant, Slatyfork, WV What: Outings, Programs, Panels and Fun Theme: Seeking a sustainable future for West Virginia For housing information: call Elk…
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Happy Birthday, Coal River Mountain Watch!
In July, 2019, Coal River Mountain Watch celebrated its 20th birthday. The mission of Coal River Mountain Watch is to stop the destruction of our communities and environment by mountaintop…
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Thoughts from our president
By Larry Thomas Last night I woke up at 3:10 am and was so pleased to see the sky filled with stars. The first night in a long time, because…
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The Compliance Surveillance Initiative: Birddogging Pipeline Construction
The West Virginia Highlands Conservancy is a supporter of the Compliance Surveillance Initiative. Anything with “surveillance” in its name starts off with a touch of the ominous, as if the…
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Hunting and Fishing Expanded on Wildlife Refuges
The United States Secretary of the Interior has announced a proposal for new or expanded hunting and fishing opportunities at 74 national wildlife refuges and 15 national fish hatcheries…
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